Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media


Issue Contents

Alphaville Journal of Film and Screen Media Podcast.
Episode 08, Issue 24, Fostering Diversity On and Off Screen

Additional music: Tom's Lullaby (with Les Gauchers Orchestra) by Lee Maddeford


Fostering Diversity On and Off Screen
by Marsha Berry, Kath Dooley and Margaret McHugh


“Where Are We Now?” Assessing the Gender Equality and Diversity Journey in Irish Screen Industries (2016–21)
by Susan Liddy

Imagining Diversity: An Irish Case Study of Graduates’ Perceptions of Inequality in Media Work
by Sarah Arnold and Anne O’Brien

Where Is Australia’s GLAAD? A Case for Establishing an Australian LGBTIQA+ Media Institute to Improve Diversity in Screen Media Representation
by Natalie Krikowa

Scotland’s for Me? The (Gendered) Salience of Parental Status and Geographical Location to Experiences of Working in Film and Television
by Susan Berridge

White Noise: Researching the Absence of First Nations Presence in Commercial Australian Television Drama
by Karen Nobes and Susan Kerrigan

Recognising and Addressing Unconscious Bias and Structural Inequalities: A Case Study Within Television Idea Development
by Lucy Brown, Rosamund Davies and Funke Oyebanjo

Approaches to Gender Diversity Behind the Camera in Australian Student Screen Productions
by Kath Dooley, Margaret McHugh, Marsha Berry, Craig Batty, and James Verdon


“Better Workplaces Are Good for Everyone”: An Interview with Natalie Grant of SMTJ about Motherhood, Working in Television and the Covid-19 Pandemic
Interview conducted by Jack Newsinger and Helen Kennedy

Dossier: Fostering Diversity in the Classroom

Edited by Marsha Berry, Kath Dooley and Margaret McHugh

How (Not) to Clap, Cheer or “Check the Box” on Diversity in the Film Classroom: Some Notes on Teaching Diverse Documentary Media
by Aparna Sharma

Teaching Diversity, Questioning Representation
by Sarah E. S. Sinwell

Re-imagining Multiculturalism and Diversity Through Screenwriting and Filmmaking
by Vincent Giarrusso

“Left to My Own Devices, I Probably Could”: Reflections on Inclusive Pedagogy and Gender Equity During Melbourne’s Pandemic Lockdown
by Victoria Duckett and Liz Baulch

Book Reviews

Edited by Jill Murphy

Landscape and the Moving Image, by Catherine Elwes
Reviewed by Toby Ashworth

Camera Man: Buster Keaton, the Dawn of Cinema, and the Invention of the Twentieth Century, by Dana Stevens
Reviewed by Andrew Corsini

LGBTQ Visibility Media and Sexuality in Ireland, by Páraic Kerrigan
Reviewed by Don Duncan

Columbo: Paying Attention 24/7, by David Martin-Jones
Reviewed by Ben Lamb

Capitalism and the Enchanted Screen: Myths and Allegories in the Digital Age, by Aleks Wansbrough
Reviewed by Markela Panegyres

Netflix Recommends: Algorithms, Film Choice, and the History of Taste, by Mattias Frey
Reviewed by Anne Laura Penning

Embodying Contagion: The Viropolitics of Horror and Desire in Contemporary Discourse, edited by Sandra Becker, Megen de Bruin-Molé and Sara Polak
Reviewed by Maggie Roberts