The Methodology behind Digital Papers
Catherine Gough-Brady
Abstract: In 2015 Ross Gibson wrote about the need in the academy for “linguistic explication” of the artwork and creative process, in particular to encourage debate on knowledge that arises from the work. I began my creative practice PhD after spending twenty years as a successful documentary practitioner. When it was time to start writing about my research and the new knowledge, instead of using text I turned to the audiovisual medium as my method of communication. I created “Filming” (2017), which combines the theory-rich mode of academic papers with the audio-visual form of my art, documentary. I called it a “digital paper”. The digital paper form has become an integral part of my PhD. This hybrid creative practice uses my artform medium as my method of communicating Gibson’s “linguistic explication”, rather than using text alone. This report will locate the digital paper within my PhD practice.